advice/perspective on jobs, work and management

Book Review


Lean In (2013, Knopf) by Sheryl Sandberg stands out.And not because it’s one of the few memoir-style, business/management advice books written by a woman.[1]Nor is it because she so vividly describes many of the unfortunate disadvantages and systemic injustices...

60 SEC BOOK REVIEW: First, Break All the Rules

In their modern management classic, First, Break All the Rules (1999), contrarians Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman (of The Gallup Organization) openly criticize conventional management thinking.And rightly so.Amongst the management maxims they dismiss:Hiring for...

60 SEC BOOK REVIEW: In Search of Excellence (by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman)

In Search of Excellence (1982) can be criticized for the same reason that a lot of books on successful business management can:Many of the companies it holds up as exemplars just aren’t very successful anymore.In the case of ISOE, some of those organizations simply...

60 SEC BOOK REVIEW: Images of Organization (by Gareth Morgan)

In his bestseller, Images of Organization (1986, updated 2006), organizational theorist and management consultant Gareth Morgan encourages managers to utilize the ‘power of metaphor’ in order to manager better. Doing so, he argues, will allow a manager to ‘discover...

60 SEC BOOK REVIEW: Built to Last (by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras)

Built to Last (1994) by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras seems to have lived up to its title at least. Nearly 30 years after its publication it’s still considered one of the most influential business management books of all time.[1]So ‘lasted’ it has.But according...

60 SEC BOOK REVIEW: Good Boss, Bad Boss (by Robert Sutton)

In the end, Robert Sutton’s 2010 management text Good Boss, Bad Boss struck me as uncertain as its title.Good boss? Bad boss? This Stanford professor of management (and author of seven books on the subject) just can’t seem to decide….or explain the...

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